Our Work

Case Studies – Sheena

Co-facilitate @WeMidwives

Co-facilitate @WeMidwives

Co-facilitate @WeMidwives: a midwives sharing and support Twitter account and social media platform. I coordinate and support regular online chats relating to midwifery and childbearing. http://www.wecommunities.org/about

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Co-lead of Midwifery Unit Network

Co-lead of Midwifery Unit Network

In collaboration with the Royal College of Midwives, the Midwifery Unit Network offers support to those wishing to develop midwifery units (birth centres), and to already established midwifery units. The network acts as a hub to share good practice and information...

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Midwives Work DVD

Midwives Work DVD

In response to several reports of the shortage of midwives, and to highlight the importance of appropriate midwifery care worldwide, I pursued the opportunity to develop a short animated to film. Soo Downe, Frances Day-Stirk and I were the consultant producers. Funded...

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Case Studies – Anna

Progress Theatre member since 2004

Progress Theatre member since 2004

Progress Theatre is a unique company that blends frontline midwifery experience with high quality acting skills. I worked as a midwife actress delivering workshops at local maternity units and national/international conferences. The aim of our work was to address a...

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An experienced mother & daughter team:

Sheena has provided consultancy services to NHS services, and midwifery departments in other countries.

Anna is available to offer support for infant feeding advice, midwifery education and curriculum development.



  • 2003 awarded a competitive midwifery student bursary from the Iolanthe Trust for my work placement in Ludhiana, India
  • In 2005 awarded funding from Guys and St Thomas’ hospital to develop a young parents drop in group
  • 2009 led the Baby Friendly Initiative training for staff in Liverpool PCT over a 16 week period.
  • 2010 awarded a Strategic Health Authority PhD studentship with UCLan’s Maternal and Infant Nutrition and Nurture (MAINN)
  • 2012 UCLan teaching innovation award – Highly Commended
  • 2012 awarded a Higher Education Academy individual teaching grant to develop a qualitative researcher e-learn tool
  • 2013 awarded fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • 2014 part of the UCLan midwifery teaching team nominated for the Student Nursing Times Teaching Innovation of the Year award for Embedding Research Knowledge in a Midwifery Curriculum.
  • 2015 Golden Rose Award from UCLan nominated by students
  • 2016 led Baby Friendly Initiative at UCLan for the midwifery courses and specialist community public health programme which was awarded full BFI accreditation.


  • Royal College of Midwives Award Winner (2003) Reducing Social Exclusion
  • Nominated twice in 2004 to meet with the Prime Minister, by the Department of Health and the Royal College of Midwives
  • Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority (2005) SHA Award winner for Patient and Public Involvement. (Β£5,000)
  • Inspiring Women Awards (2007) nomination and finalist May 2007
  • East Lancashire Hospitals (2007) Nominated for a Trust Excellence Award
  • East Lancashire Hospitals (2009) Nominated for a STAR award for improving patient experience
  • Nominated by the Department of Health as an example of an inspirational midwifery leader, and used as an example on NHS Leadership website March 2010
  • Nominated and awarded a β€œLifetime Achievement Award’ at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust March 2010
  • Awarded the OBE in 2012 New Years Honours for Services to Midwifery
  • Awarded Honorary Fellowship of the Royal College of Midwives December 2015
  • Awarded Honorary Doctorate from Bournemouth University October 2016

Published Work


Pocovi-Subirana A, Perez-Botella M and Byrom A (2016) Salutogenesis: Sowing the seeds for childbearing health and wellbeing, The Practising Midwife, 19 (7)

Byrom A (2016) Perineal pain in focus: reviewing topical anaesthetic treatments, The Practising Midwife, 19 (8)

Byrom A, Heneghan S and Perez-Botella M (2015) With-woman, with-student: developing a woman and family-centred recruitment strategy ad curriculum for caring in Downe S and Byrom S (eds) The Roar Behind the Silence, Pinter and Martin, London.

Boyd G, Stanley A, Byrom A and Baker K (2015) Compassionate care, midwives, women and forum theatre: two tales from practice, in Downe S and Byrom S (eds) The Roar Behind the Silence, Pinter and Martin, London

Byrom A (2014) A Reproductive Tragedy: using theatre in the classroom to bring midwifery education to life, Essentially MIDIRS, Vol 5, No 6, pp 22-25

Schmeid V, Thomson G, Sheehan A, Burns A, Byrom A and Dykes F (2014) A Meta-ethnographic study of health care staff perceptions of the WHO/UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative, Women and Birth, 27 (4) pp 242-249

Byrom A, Dykes F, Thomson G and Dooris M (2014) Beyond the BFI Franchise: Leading, performing and receiving care in a fast-food maternity service, presented at the 30th Triennial ICM conference, Prague.

Byrom, A.*, Perez-Botella, M.*, Kenny, D., Shaw, J. (2013) *Equal contribution.

β€œTeam building in Tyn Dwr: enhancing the learning experience through collaborative working”

Compendium of Effective Practice 2nd Edition: Proven examples of what works in enhancing the student experience in Higher Education. Higher Education AcademyΒ 

Byrom A (2013) Feeding Guilt, Practising Midwife,Vol 16. No 3, pp 18-26

Byrom A and Downe S (2005) Second Stage of Labour: challenging the use of directed pushing, RCM Journal, Vol.8, No.4, pp 168-169

Byrom A (2004) Advanced Maternal Age: a literature review, British Journal of Midwifery, Vol. 12, No. 12, pp 779-783Β 



Byrom S (2016) Invited blog post Better births, better foundations, brighter futures

Byrom S (2016) Invited blog post Infant Mental Health: every midwife’s business

Byrom S (2016) Invited blog post Influencing the media – is it a midwife’s responsibility?Β Bournemouth University

Byrom S (2016) Infant Mental Health: every midwife’s business RCM

Byrom S (2015) For better or for worse: a midwife’s personal account of being in the media Essentially Midirs Vol 6 No 2 pp 27-30

Byrom S (2015) Courage: triumph over fear. The Practising Midwife Vol 18 (10)

Byrom S (2014). Always a midwife. The Practising Midwife 16(9): 58

Byrom S (2014). Virtuous cycles and social media. The Practising Midwife 17(7):46

Byrom S (2014). We need more kindness in the NHS. The Practising Midwife 17(1):42

Byrom S (2014). Back to the future. The Practising Midwife 17(5):50

Byrom S (2014). Clinical guidelines: help or hindrance? The Practising Midwife 17(4):42

Byrom S (2014) Celebrating siccess: celebrating each other The Practising Midwife

Byrom S (2014). A clash of paradigms. The Practising Midwife 17(3):50

Byrom S (2014). Feeling the pressure: what can we do? The Practising Midwife 17(2):46

Byrom S; Byrom A (2014). Social media: connecting women and midwives globally. MIDIRS Midwifery Digest 24(2):141-149

Byrom S (2013) Maternity services need to take stock of the Francis report too, Guest Blog NHS Voices

Byrom S (2013). The busy world of midwifery. The Practising Midwife 16(10):46

Byrom S (2013). The rise of birth centres in East Lancashire. The Practising Midwife 16 (11):46

Byrom S (2012) The word. The Practising Midwife October Vol 15 number 9 pg 5

Byrom S, Symon A (2011) Developing the midwife’s role in public health, The Practising Midwife vol 14 no 1 pp 16-17

Byrom S (2011) Breastfeeding in public: Australia and the UK The Practising Midwife Vol No Page 5

Byrom S, Downe S (2010) β€˜She sort of shines’: midwives accounts of β€˜good’ midwifery and β€˜good’ leadership . Midwifery: 26(1) 126-137

Byrom S, Fardella J, Martindale E, Bardon L , Sandford J, Theophilou G (2010) Collaborating to push boundaries to promote positive birth: an inspirational reflection MIDIRS Midwifery Digest , vol 20, no 2, June 2010, pp 199-204

Byrom S, Edwards G, Garrod D (2009) Consultant midwives – 10 years on! MIDIRS Midwifery Digest Vol 19, no 1, pp 23-25

Byrom S (2009) My good day! MIDIRS Midwifery Digest Vol 19, no 1 March 2009 p 106

em>Byrom S (2009) Onwards and Upwards: pushing the boundaries to promote positive birth in East Lancashire AIMS Journal Vol 21 No 4

Byrom S, Baker K, Broome C, Hall J (2007) Speech to Rita: the birth of a voice. The Practising Midwife Vol 10 No 1 Pp 19-21

Byrom S, Bond C, Mulligan L (2007) Promoting normal birth: utilising the evidence MIDIRS Midwifery Digest

Byrom S, Downe S (2007) Narratives from the Blackburn West Caseholding Team: setting up BJM Vol 15 No 4 pp 225-227

Garrod D, Byrom S (2007) Public Health: why the debate? RCM Midwives Vol 10, no 10 pp 470-473

Slater L, Byrom S (2006) Antenatal care in children’s centres: making it happen RCM MidwivesVol 9, no 11, pp 446-447

Byrom S (2005) Mothering the Midwife, Mother and Baby British Journal of Midwifery Vol 13 No 10 Pg 621

Byrom S, Edwards G (2005) Separated at Birth, joined at the hip RCM Journal Vol 8 No 12 pp 496-497

Byrom S (2004) Public health: taking a lead RCM Midwives Journal vol 7 no 4 April 2004, pp 168-169

Byrom S (2004) Keeping up the good work RCM Midwives Journal vol 7 no 11 November 2004 pp 482-483

Byrom S (2001) Supporting Pregnant Teenagers Midwives in Action. English National Board London

Byrom S (1999) Developing the midwife’s Public Health role: Supporting teenagers who are pregnant Making a Difference Strengthening the nursing, midwifery and health visiting contribution to health and healthcare DOH London

Book Chapters

Downe S Byrom S (2015) Turning the silence into a roar. In: Byrom S, Downe S (Eds) The Roar Behind the Silence Pinter and Martin London

Byrom S Downe S (2015) What’s going on in maternity care? In: Byrom S, Downe S (Eds) The Roar Behind the Silence Pinter and Martin London

Byrom S, Henry S, Newburn M, Warwick C, Fen Cheung N (2010) What do leaders do to influence maternity services? Midwifery leadership as applied to case studies. In (Eds) Downe S, Byrom S, Simpson L Leadership, collaboration and expertise in midwifery Blackwells

Byrom S, Downe S, Byrom A (2010) Transformational leadership and midwifery: a nested narrative review. In (Eds) Downe S, Byrom S, Simpson L Leadership, collaboration and expertise in midwifery Blackwells

Byrom S, Kay, L (2010) Midwifery Leadership: theory, practice and potential. In (Eds) Downe S, Byrom S, Simpson L (2010) Leadership, collaboration and expertise in midwifery Blackwells

Byrom S, Gaudion A (2009) (Eds) Empowering mothers: strengthening the future Byrom S, Edwards G, Bick D (2009) Essential Practice: Postnatal Care Blackwell London

Garrod D, Byrom S (2007) The midwifery public health agenda: setting the scene. In Edwards G, Byrom S (Eds)Β (2007)Β Essential Midwifery Practice: Public HealthΒ 

Byrom S Harding C (2004) Best practice in antenatal education: improving services for women of South Asian Heritage in Eds Nolan ML, Foster J Birth and Parenting skills: new directions in antenatal education


Book Editing

Edwards G, Byrom S (2007) Essential Midwifery Practice: Pubic Health Blackwell London

Byrom S, Edwards G, Bick D (2009) Essential Midwifery Practice: Postnatal Care Blackwell London

Walsh D, Byrom S (2009) Birth Stories for the Soul Blackwell London

Byrom S, Downe S, Simpson L (2010) Expertise, Leadership and Collaborative Working Blackwell London

Byrom S, Downe S (2015) The Roar Behind the Silence Pinter and Martin London

Sheena and Anna – Joint Publications

Byrom S, Downe S, and Byrom A (2010) Transformational Leadership and Midwifery: A nested narrative review, in Downe S, Byrom S and Simpson L (eds) Leadership, Expertise and Collaborative Working, Blackwell publishing, Oxford pp 23-43.

Byrom S, Byrom A, Downe S (2011) Transformational Leadership and Midwifery: a nested narrative review In: (Eds) Downe S, Byrom S, Simpson L. Essential Midwifery Practice: Leadership, Expertise and Collaborative Working. Blackwell Publishing, London

Byrom S, Byrom A (2014) Social media: connecting women and midwives globally MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, vol 24, no 2, June 2014, pp 141-149

Byrom S, Byrom A (2017) Around the world in 80 tweetsβ€”social media and midwifery. In (Eds) Luce A, Hundley V, vanTeijlingen E. Β Media and Midwifery,Β London: Palgrave.

Byrom S,Β Byrom A Β (2017) Choice, childbearing and maternity care – the choice agenda and place of birth. In Β (Eds) Macdonald, S Johnson, G Mayes Midwifery PagesΒ 573-585 Β Balliere Tindall Elsevier, Edinburgh andΒ London

Sheena Byrom
Sheena Byrom
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