This approach is built on a solid base of experience and knowledge of midwifery and health care and human relationships. Midwifery is about connection; Sheena builds connections through relationship, through social media, through her words and images that are vivid and inspiring. I have never known her leave a stone unturned in the work of justice for individuals and midwifery. Every person I have known who has turned to her for help has received her empathy, advice, full attention and advocacy. Sheena leaves no ethical issue unresolved, reaching out to anyone involved in difficult issues to find a resolution.

This is on top of substantial development work, writing blogs books and articles, serving midwifery through charities and as Board Director for the RCM until recently. At the bottom of all of this is a commitment and passion for midwifery and good maternity care, courage and a very big heart. Sheena is a wonderful midwife of midwives.

Professor Lesley Page

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